As part of our Net Zero blog series, Ampersand Partners and Net Zero Enthusiasts reached out to various key sectors in the net zero transformation. Here are the key results from the survey.
Key Results
Q1: How much do you agree with the following statement: ‘I clearly see the role businesses can take in delivering net zero emissions by 2050.'
While many respondents clearly see the role business can take, it is not so clear for others.
Takeaway: There is still room for guidance, especially down to the business sector level.
Q2: Is a net zero ambition clearly articulated with your organisation’s overall strategy?
While many respondents have engaged on net zero, net zero does not form a core part of the organisation strategy for 50%.
Takeaway: Net Zero is still not fully engrained and widespread support would sustain momentum.
Q3: What are the drivers motivating your organisation to limit its carbon emissions?
Reputation is the leading driver, following by external pressure and risk.
Takeaway: Net Zero risks becoming primarily a marketing strategy to protect brand value if transparency and clarity are not built in.
Q4: Is there collective ownership of the net zero agenda?
Half of the respondents expressed collective ownership of the net zero agenda.
Takeaway: Change management is still key and necessary in many cases to ensure that all employees are empowered to contribute. Organisations which have buy in from all their staff will tend to move fastest.
Q5: How bold and ambitious is your net zero strategy?
Majority of respondents want to be ahead of the pack.
Takeaway: To be ahead, it is important to understand where others are at with clear, universally agreed upon principles.
Q6: How clear are your baselines and targets?
While many respondents want to be ahead of the pack, there seems to be disconnect between ambition and action to get there.
Takeaway: Ambition is needed but so is execution. Operationalising the ambition is more challenging.
Q7: What scopes are included in your target?
Scopes 1 and 2 tend to be the focus and priority at the moment.
Takeaway: Scope 3 is an important but challenging part of the journey. There is still room to provide support on how to tackle Scope 3 emissions.
Q8: What are the most important expected contributors to meeting your targets?
Reducing in-house energy consumption is the top contributor to targets.
Takeaway: Depending on the sector, in-house emissions are relatively small to the entire footprint. Clarity is needed on the abatement potential of certain actions for different sectors.
Q9: What are the top organisational priorities around net zero?
Most respondents want to provide services and opportunities for customers to tackle emissions.
Takeaway: Respondents are beginning to look at the entire value chain, but cannot simply push responsibility down the line.
Q10: What sector are you working in?
The Energy sector is highly engaged on the topic of net zero.
Takeaway: Many players are beginning to appreciate the key role net zero plays in their license to operate.
Q11: How many employees work for the organisation?
Net Zero is a key questions for larger organisations with the resources to tackle it and higher associated risks from inaction.
Takeaway: Organisations of all sizes are grappling with the net zero question, appreciating that every single entity has a role to play.
Interested in learning more? Look out for the upcoming final part of our Net Zero blog series.
About us:
Ampersand Partners is a management consultancy, whose Energy Transition and Sustainability practice helps energy companies navigate their fast changing market environment and non-energy clients deliver their net zero ambitions.
Net Zero Enthusiasts (NZE) is a small-group of seasoned independent energy sector professionals who between them have over 100 years of experience in the industry, advisory firms and providers of finance. Based on long-standing connections, complementary backgrounds and a common commitment to decarbonisation, the NZE have come together to support the UK’s low carbon transition.