A market intelligence report to understand corporate Net Zero commitments for an international energy services and solutions company

Navigating changing energy markets
A large buyer of Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) wanted to understand the market trends arising from increasing commitments to Net Zero by corporate actors.
With REGO prices reaching an all-time high, the company wanted to understand key drivers of the demand for renewable energy and revisit their strategy around REGOs.
Net Zero Trends
Corporate commitments for Net Zero, alongside targets from utilities companies, were used to develop sectoral Net Zero trends and provide insights on key consumer segments demanding renewable energy.
REGO Pricing
A combination of the above two steps provided RE demand and supply forecasts per sector. Comparison of these provided indication of the movement of REGO prices as we approached milestone years (2030, 2040 and 2050).

Energy Supply and Demand
Various sources were used to provide a range of forecasts for future energy demand and supply, working closely with clients to select most appropriate estimates.
Highlighted risks and opportunities arising for the client and provided key next steps for the leadership. This included analysing the potential effects of Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST) drivers on RE demand/supply scenarios.
Ampersand analysis enabled the client to understand the future opportunities within the renewables space, and the key risks associated with their current strategy around REGO
The analysis provided also gave the client a range of electricity demand scenarios. The associated research around individual sectors and their Net Zero trends provided the client with current customer trends and target customer segments leading the way in renewable energy demand.
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